Sat 11 Jan
Grand ,Asian Spa🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Tel: 860-906-1210 , Attractive & Professional Massage💝💝💝💝💝💝 - 25
(1096 Main St . East Hartford. CT, Hartford, New Haven)
🎈🎈🌻🈵🈵203-261-6688 🈵🈵🌻🎈🎈Professional Asian Girl Massage The New Opening-Blue Rose Spa - 27
(New Haven)
Attractive Women who want to make fast $$$$ NO ESCORTING!!!!! Great for college Students - 33
(New Haven)
NEW #▃ ▅ ▆ █❤█ ▆ ▅ EXOTIC CiCi ▅ ▆ █❤█ ▆ ▅ ▃ ☆ aℓℓ ηatural ßεαu†y ☆ - 27
(New Haven, Fairfield County Area)
Only 🌹🍸💋 For 🌹🍸💋Very Short🌹🍸💋 Time Sweet sexy 💋🌹 Versatile TS🌹🍸Samantha 💋Ready For Hot Time Dont M - 25
(Branford CT. Exit 55., New Haven)
Sexy ---------------- Busty ------------ Asian Girls ------------ Call 203 --- 435 --- 6707 (incall) - 23
(New Haven, Hartford, West Haven.....)
NEW HAVEN Outcall $pecials 100% satisfaction GUARANTEED ' CC Accepted - 27
(New Haven, NEW HAVEN, DANBURY, TORRINGTON, Northwest Connecticut)
Fri 10 Jan
~~~~~Sensual Exotic Asian Dolls Ready to Service U All Over★ Oriental Body Rub~~~~~~~100% Pleasure - 21
(New Haven)
STOP 🛑👀 Look at ME 🍑 Super Sexxxxxxy Dominican Barbie 🛍🎀 Visitng Upscale College 📚 Hottie - 22
(New Haven, New Haven - Milford INCALL ONLY)
OUTCALLS INCALLS 203-243-0279.....Treat Yourself To An Unforgettable Experience...You Derserve It!!! - 24
(New Haven, Bridgeport,Stratford, Milford, New Haven)
👄👀💋🍒👅👄🍑LET me please you Daddy Im more than What you Need i Will become What you crave🍒😜🍑 - 35
(East Haven , Incalls, New Haven)
AVAiLAbLE ALL WEEk! 5O$ Massage Only 🙌🏽! *Ready to please YOU papi 💋* 6pm-7am EVERY night 💋 - 22
(Waterbury, Waterbury INCALL only 💋)
👄I WANT MY LIPS ON YOUR BODY😛💦 Wild & Seductive G F E💎2034799390.. Remarkable Curves💋😉 - 23
(New Haven, West Haven)
Grand Open Nice Asian Massage 🌺🌺🌺203-626-9326🌺🌺60$/h 🌺🌺🌺137 Quinnipiac st Waalingford 🌺🌺🌺 - 26
(137 Quinnipiac st ,Wallingford, New Haven)
S=E=X=Y __H=OT ___S=E=X=Y __H=OT ___S=E=X=Y __H=OT ___ S=E=X=Y _H=OT OutCALL = S=E=X=Y __H=OT ___ - 24
(New Haven, Outcall Only)
100 % Real Pic★★ Body SCRUB & Body rub★★ ALL NEW YOUNG GIRLS •✿✿ALL BEAUTIFUL Korean girls - 21
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut)
>>===== ~*~ ~*.*~~*.*~ ~*.*~ Grand Opening ——**ASIAN** ——Excellent Bodywork ~*.*~ ~*.*~ ~*=====
(New Haven, 695 main st monroe (RT 25),CT)
Back May 4. OLDER IS BETTER. ----------------- AND SEXIER. ----------- -(Topless-Nude) - 99
(Back May 4 .FAIRFIELD COUNTY AREA, New Haven)
=====GRAND OPENING ☆ Massage Of Your Dreams.; ☆ - - 203-662-1111 - 23
(Northwest Connecticut, Fairfield Country, CT)
Discover Rhode Island Private Modeling , safe, clean, Discrete. - 22
(257b Allens ave, Providence RI, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut)
▃ ▃ ▃GRAND OPENING ▃ ▃ ▃ NEW ❤ MANAGE ▃ ▃ ▃ SWEET ❤ ASIAN ❤ GIRLS❤ 203-390-8124 - 20
(Milford New Haven, New Haven)
🌟🌟🌟 Great hands to take your stress away 🌟🌟🌟 INCALL Waterbury ......... 30MIN 160 - 24
(Bridgeport, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Waterbury)
I"m Back Boys!! Rub includes Way More. Well Reviewed & That Means THE REAL DEAL!!!. - 99
(Bridgeport, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, STRATFORD NO TEXTS 475-225-0976 NO TEXT)
🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴ALOHA THERAPY🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴 GRAND OPENING !!! 🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴🔴🌴 - 25
(349 S Main St. Middletown, CT, Eastern Connecticut, New Haven)
* ~* ~ EXOTIC* HOTTIE* TRANSEXUAL* ~* ~ THE Ultimate In 1ST CLASS Companionship * ~* ~120 $pecial - 24
(New Haven, New Haven, CT exit 46 off 95)
~*~Sexy * Mature * Italian * Beauty * BUSTY Beyond your imagination-all natural * In-Call ~*~ - 45
(New Haven, Stratford I-95 @ exit 30)
—————— **SPECiALS** ———————— █ ♥ SUPER SEXY MiXxED BOMBSHELL ♥ █ —————— **SPECiALS** ————————— - 22
(New Haven, [S P E C i A Ls) [MILFORD] INCALL)
Thu 09 Jan
*** Sexy * Busty * Mature * Beauty *** IN - CALL Only *** Daytime hours *** - 45
(New Haven, IN CALL Fairfiled & New Haven County)
NEW in TOWN🌟🎀🌟B€sT DomInIcaNa ArounD 🌟🎀🌟💲50 SPECIAL 💯% REAL PICs - 21
(New Haven, New HAven / Milford exIt 3⃣9⃣)
Best in Stamford,Connecticut!will be your best relaxing palace! - 23
(New Haven, Stamford,Connecticut)
Ladies are you wanting to make what you deserve? If so please look inside and contact us! - 44
(48 states, Hartford, New Haven)
🌊💕🎈💕🎈☘203-261-6688 Best🌹 Asian🌹 Massage is in town - Blue Rose Spa - 27
(115 main ST Monroe CT06468, New Haven)
UPSCALE & SEXY - I'm Linda -You'll be happy, I'm Eager to please, Incalls or Out 2U - 28
(New Haven, I-95 Exit 40 Incall or Out 2U in Milford)
Hiring Ladies Only! Platinum Desires wants YOU! Earn the best pay in the business - 99
(Hartford, New Haven, USA & Canada)
__ __ _ ___B R A Z I LI A N __ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ M O D E L S _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ S P A - 25
(New Haven, Stamford, Connecticut)
* 8InChEs * EliTE hIGhLy SkillEd up sCaLe T.s KaRoLiNa V. - 24
(New Haven, NeW HaVeN CT---- PaRtY GiRl !!!!!)
Wed 08 Jan
OUTCALLS INCALLS 203-243-0279.....Treat Yourself To An Unforgettable Experience...You Derserve It!!! - 24
(New Haven, Bridgeport,Stratford, Milford, New Haven)
Come & Get It Way Better Gold Coast Men.You Do Not Want Mediocre... - 99
(New Haven, Stratford upscale condo. 475-225-6997)
====Hot!!==Hot!!! New Spa == Staff from Korea!!!!!! - 25
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Milford CT)
❤❤AmAzInG tOuCh....BIG bOoTy,..SuLtRy.....WhY wAIt?? 100 hhr 175 hr❤❤ - 32
(Milford, Milford incalls)
6O$$ .:: WATERBURY! 💋 Lunch time specials with LUSTY 👑 Puertorican beauty 6O$$ - 22
(Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Waterbury)
—❀— B e a u t i f u l —G i r l s —B e s t—M a s s a g e—B e s t —203. 662. 1111 ——❀—— - 23
(New Haven, Fairfield County, I-95 Exit #11)
~~~203-662-1111 ------100% Satisfaction Massage with Asian Hotties SWEET ~~~~ - 23
(New Haven, I-95Exit#11, Stamford, Norwalk, New Have)
YUMMY LINDA ! Let me rub you the RIGHT WAY! Erotic sensual full body massage.*Special two girls * - 36
(New Haven)
Seeking Girls 18-35 for Adult Film Sessions, Earn $300-$800 Today! - 32
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, NYC / Westchester / Fairfield)
► }Grand Opening ! ~~ A Comfortable & Private place. Nice & clean rooms{ ◄ - 25
(New Haven, Fairfield County)
*100 Rub includes LIPS on EVERY INCH & Nude Mutual Touch &,Prost@te M@ssage.Wow!. - 69
(New Haven, STRATFORDNO TEXTS 475-225-0976 NO TEXTS)
—❀— B e a u t i f u l —G i r l s —B e s t—M a s s a g e—B e s t —203. 662. 1111 ——❀—— - 23
(New Haven, Fairfield County, I-95 Exit #11)
▃ ▃ ▃GRAND OPENING ▃ ▃ ▃ NEW ❤ MANAGE ▃ ▃ ▃ SWEET ❤ ASIAN ❤ GIRLS❤959-999-2711 - 20
(Milford New Haven, New Haven)
Sexy ------------- Busty ------------- Asian Girls -------------- Call 203 --- 606 --- 7221 (incall) - 23
(New Haven, East Hartford....)
Tue 07 Jan
o★o Wild Ebony Beauty o★o Nice Round Booty o★o Available All Week o★o - 31
(New Haven, Stamford, CT)
~*💕*Independent Mature Woman* *Sweet *Sexy💗Redhead*💕*~ 💟*DISCREET*💟 :-) - 50
(*IN/OUT* **Not A Motel** *Route 8*, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut)
☀🌟☀🌟☀🌟🌟☀🌟☀ NEW GRAND OPENING 🌟☀🌟☀🌟☀🌟☀ Hot korea girl ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ 203-713-8210 ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ - 25
(New Haven, new haven,milford)
== ⎷⎛ Enjoy Your Lucky Day _ With _ SWEET asians _ you WON'T forget it _ 203 .662.1111 ⎷⎛== - 23
(New Haven, Fairfield County, I-95 Exit #11)
Grand Open Nice Asian Massage 🌺🌺🌺203-626-9844🌺🌺60$/h 🌺🌺🌺137 Quinnipiac st Waalingford 🌺🌺🌺 - 26
(137 Quinnipiac st ,Wallingford, New Haven)
⭐️ 100% PRETTY ⭐️ _____ ⭐️ COLOMBIAN ⭐️ ______ ⭐️ BRAZILIAN ⭐️ ______ ⭐️ MODELS ⭐️ ______ ⭐️ CALL US ⭐️ - 26
(Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, STAMFORD, CT)
🌊💕🎈🌊💕🎈203-261-6688Top❣ Quality ❣Asian Massage The New Opening-Blue Rose Spa - 26
(115 main ST Monroe CT06468, New Haven)
*** *** *** EUROPEAN SPA *** *** *** Call now to book an apointment - 25
(New Haven, Yonkers, near all main hwys, exit 6 rt87)